


Books We Recommend

One of the many perks of being in our line of work is getting opportunities to read books that help promote our own emotional well-being: we can learn to identify our own personality tendencies, to be kinder to ourselves, and to manage our own emotions.

We thought we’d share with you a list of some of our recommended books! Here is just a sampling of the titles that we find ourselves frequently recommending to clients, family, and friends, along with a little about the reason why we love the book so much.

Happy Reading!

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz + The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

Recommended by Nicole Perry, PsyD

The Four Agreements is an “oldie but goodie” — I have recommended it countless times to clients, friends, and family over the last 18 years of practice. Learn the wisdom of these practical and universal guidelines to a peaceful, loving relationship with self and others. The Four Tendencies is a fun and accessible take on personality types that brings strategy to insight. Are you an Upholder, an Obliger, a Rebel or a Questioner? Find out!

The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion by Christopher Germer

Recommended by Tom Atkins, MD

This book provides a general approach to life that can decrease suffering and anxiety while increasing our moment to moment awareness.

Visiting Feelings by Lauren Rubenstein

Recommended by Alison Roth-Kerner, LMSW

Visiting Feelings is a lovely introduction to mindfulness for children (and adults). It encourages us to notice, welcome, and even befriend our feelings.

Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Recommended by Anique Pegeron, MA, RYT

This book is a wonderful introduction to mindfulness, and a beautiful reminder of how to find peace in the present moment. It changed my life.

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

Recommended by Carryn Lund, LMSW

Dan Siegel is one of my favorite authors for helping us understand the brain and child development in an accessible way. This book in particular covers information about understanding your child’s brain and, accordingly, various needs, then matches these needs to parenting strategies.

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristen Neff

Recommended by Margaret Levasseur, LMSW

This book is a wonderful introduction to self-compassion full of personal anecdotes from the author, and step-by-step instructions on how to start practicing self-compassion.

Pick up these books from one of your local booksellers!

Carryn Lund