


How We Address Work from Home Challenges

Tips compiled by Grove Collaborators. Post written by Carryn Lund, LMSW, RYT.

Like so many of you, we all have been working remotely since March. Today, in a virtual meeting, we got into a conversation together about ways in which we are managing to keep ourselves feeling productive and well amidst the challenges of working from home… with kids, pets, and screen distractions nearby.

Here is a list of some of what we’re doing to help us to be more productive, focused, and balanced throughout the day!

Moving, Especially in the Morning

One of the most common strategies collaborators named was prioritizing morning exercise as a key to feeling productive and focused throughout the day. We use apps and nature and home spaces to walk and do yoga and run and bike! And, the reality is - this was a practice. Many of us described that it has been hard to make and keep a workout/movement routine without going to our usual spaces and gyms.

We also love to move and wiggle throughout the day - taking advantage of short stretch breaks or quick walks outside.

Being Kind to Ourselves

This is a hard time. Things are different and so, of course, we are feeling, thinking, and behaving differently. Give yourself grace and flexibility.

A few pieces of wisdom and kindness from our collaborators:

I have found the most helpful thing is to not expect the same productivity out of myself day to day.

I have worked to kindly accept that I don’t have enough time to get everything done that I need to get done in a day. I just do the best I can. And…I trust myself to be productive and efficient at times.

I use an honest assessment of where I am at. Sometimes, I can push myself to be productive. Other times, I give myself a break.

Keeping Our Pets With Us…and Away from Us

Our furry friends… sometimes, playing with them helps. We love the necessary breaks to walk the dog or snuggle the cat or tend to the chickens.

Other times, we are shutting the door and keeping some space from them so they don’t distract us!

Keeping a Schedule

Some of our collaborators find great (and somewhat unexpected!) comfort and ease in having the day’s schedule written out. Though in some ways it might seem like having time accounted for can add pressure, we have found that it can - conversely - allow ease. Work time is scheduled, but so is time off; and we are reassured knowing when and where difficult tasks will get done.

We are also scheduling in plenty of sleep. More than one collaborator named tending to enough, and good quality, sleep as essential for daytime productivity.

Anticipating the Sticky Spots

Anticipating challenges helps us to plan for them. A few collaborators had great suggestions how how to manage some of the harder things that can come up during the week, which helps to manage the stress associated with hard times.

If I know a hard conversation is coming up, it helps me to write down some of the different things I might say. That helps me feel prepared and calm.

If something in my week feels unfinished for whatever reason, I make some notes for myself about what I can come back to next week.

Switching it Up

Variety, where possible, is useful for many of us.

  • Moving workspaces throughout the day

  • Switch up the color of pen throughout the day

  • Use a fidget spinner or putty - it’s off the screen, and may help you focus

Trusting Your Growth

We are all in this together. One of the great themes that came from this discussion was recognizing that we are all challenges by working from home in some ways… and we are all creative and resilient and are finding ways to make it work.

We encourage you to ask your friends and family what they are doing, and to make small changes - sometimes incremental adjustments can yield big results.

Wishing you all well as things continue to unfold before us. We are all in this together.

Carryn Lund